American Heroes in Action

The mission of American Heroes In Action is to provide therapeutic outdoor adventures to American heroes including combat wounded veterans, injured firefighters and injured members of law enforcement. Americans who enjoy outdoor activities are experiencing the benefits of “outdoor therapy”. American Heroes In Action provides therapeutic outdoor adventures to American heroes including combat wounded veterans, injured firefighters, injured members of law enforcement and other first responders. Our outdoor adventures include, but are not limited to; fishing trips, hunting trips, jeep trail rides, hiking, boating, and more.

Alpha Elite Performance Outdoors

At AEP outdoors, we honor the service of our special operations veterans by providing them with adrenaline outdoor adventure and fellowship. It was that brotherhood while they served that kept them alive and it’s the brotherhood that will continue to do so. We’re not here to raise awareness, we already know what the problems are, we’re just here providing a solution.

When Alpha Elite Performance was founded in 2015, our team knew we wanted it to be more than just a veteran owned supplement company. Why? Because we know from experience that our war fighters need more than the support from another “veteran owned company” and a slap on the back after service. They need to continue to interact with the brotherhood. We are doing that for our military and veteran community by providing healing outdoor adrenaline adventures and fellowship.

We are a nonprofit which is all in to support our SOF veterans and those who support them. We aren’t trying to raise awareness. The statistics, studies and research are clear — we all have struggles. But it’s our hope to help you struggle well and not alone.

Our mission isn’t to raise awareness — we want to stand in the gap and be a part of the solution. As an organization, we’ve witnessed the power fellowship and the brotherhood of bonding can do for one’s warrior spirit and mental health. It’s our aim to provide the excitement and rush of adrenaline we craved as a team on every mission throughout our careers. That fight or flight response? We want to help you own it again, outside, living life NOT alone.

Wyoming Disabled Hunters

Wyoming Disabled Hunters is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded by Wyoming residents who have a personal connection with physically challenged hunters.

Our mission is to make a difference in someone’s life providing an affordable hunt.

WDH provides room and board for all our hunters. The only out of pocket cost would be round trip expenditures to Wyoming and purchasing a hunting license. WDH can help with these expenditures for hunters that qualify for financial assistance per our guidelines. Ask for a Financial Assistance form when requesting information about the hunts we offer or download the form and send it with your application for a hunt. Applicants who are 70% service related disabled veterans are eligible to get their license donated to them. This option has also been opened up to civilians in a wheel chair. This is an option for all 3 species we hunt. Non veterans and non wheelchair bound hunters can apply to WDH and buy for their license after being drawn to hunt with WDH.

Wounded Warriors Weekend

In August 2012, the town of Nipawin and the North East region of Saskatchewan opened their arms and welcomed 112 Wounded Warriors from Canada and the United States for a weekend of fishing, golfing, outdoor fun, musical performances, great food and lots of socializing.

The first Saskatchewan **”WOUNDED WARRIORS WEEKEND”** was a transforming weekend for everyone, those who were wounded and those who were there to help. The healing of damaged souls was visible as we saw how nature, music, compassion and support refreshed, nurtured and strengthened the delegates. Friendships were struck; families bonded; networks were created.

This was our time to give back. It was our intent, privilege and honour to show our troops and their families that they were not alone, that their sacrifices have not gone unnoticed that we stand by them, feel for their losses, and are indebted to them now and forever for their honorable service to our countries.
**Please join us once again as we present:**

AUGUST 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th

When we will welcome 120 Wounded Warriors from Canada, USA, the UK and Australia. Let us continue to show them that we are honoured by their sacrifices and they will always be remembered as heroes by those of us here at home.

Wounded Warriors United of Wisconsin

Wounded Warriors United of Wisconsin is a 501 c (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to working with Wisconsin veterans. Whether deployed or stateside, we work with all veterans. The veterans who participate in our outings have the opportunity to enjoy and engage in activities they have always had a passion for.

All expenses for the hunting and fishing trips are covered and the participating veterans never pay. Our volunteers and events help uplift their spirits and inspire our veterans.

Wounded Warriors United – Kansas

Wounded Warriors United is a not for profit organization exclusively founded for our combat wounded and combat veterans. Wounded Warriors United is based in Manhattan, KS.

Wounded Warriors United provides all-inclusive events at no cost to our wounded warriors. Wounded Warriors United provides events to our heroes to include, hunting, fishing, camping, and numerous sporting and social events. These events are therapeutic and will assist in the healing of our heroes hearts and minds.

Wounded Warriors United wants to increase public awareness on the effects the outdoors has on our wounded warriors mental and physical disabilities. Wounded Warriors United relies exclusively on private and corporate donations.

Over 95% of donations directly benefit our wounded warriors.

Wounded Warriors of Mississippi (not affiliated with Wounded Warrior Project)

*(Not affiliated with Wounded Warrior Project)

Mississippi’s Wounded Warriors are all around us. You might not always see a Veteran’s injuries since not all of them are visible. Post 9/11, we have hundreds upon hundreds that came back with physical and/or mental scars. They made the sacrifice, served our country, then came home to spouses, children, and family as a changed person. These Heroes are now fighting a war within themselves to reconnect with society. This battle they are fighting within themselves can be as difficult as the battlefield itself.

Wounded Warriors of Mississippi is a Non-Profit 501C Organization, and our mission is to help them win this battle. We help them mentally by organizing events where they can meet fellow warriors that share their daily struggles. We help them physically by assisting with daily tasks that have become too difficult to complete. We help them financially when they are struggling to pay a utility bill, get medications, or other daily needs. And we help them spiritually by praying and recognizing that without God this organization would not be what it is today and what it will grow to be.


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