LEEK Hunting and Mountain Preserve

Provide a friendly accessible camp environment and therapeutic outdoor activities like hunting and fishing, LEEK believes in encouraging our wounded heroes to focus on their abilities, without compromising their current physical limitations.

LEEK believes in providing a safe and friendly environment where wounded U.S. service members can assist each other through the healing process, both mentally and physically. We offer recreational opportunities specifically geared to each wounded veterans’ needs and abilities.

Kentucky Wounded Heroes Inc.

Kentucky Wounded Heroes is a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity that exists to serve Kentucky’s current or former members of the United States Armed Forces, sworn law enforcement, sworn firefighters, and sworn or affirmed EMS, that have been injured during combat operations or line-of-duty service. Our mission is to honor and empower the emotional wellness of these heroes through outdoor activities, programs, and services that enable them to reconnect to nature’s healing properties.

KAMO Adventures

We offer hunting and fishing experiences in a safe and supportive environment where veterans can assist each other in the healing process, both mentally and physically. Each experience is unique and we encourage the veterans to focus on their abilities, regardless of their current physical or emotional limitations.

We provide education opportunities for veterans and their families through a scholarship fund established at the University of Kansas and the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

We help veterans transition into the civilian workforce through networking and employment opportunities.

Jeep Sullivan’s Outdoor Adventures Inc.

Jeep Sullivan’s Outdoor Adventures, Inc. is a 501c-3 non-profit organization enabling people of all ages to enjoy God’s great outdoors. We specialize in offeringour wounded warriors, veteran service men & women, along with our first responders, the ability to ‘relax, refresh and recharge’ while enjoying nature at its best.

Jason’s Box

The primary focus of Jason’s Box is to offer severely injured combat veterans free hunting, reloading, fishing, and outdoor recreational opportunities.

Jackson County Hunting Heroes

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for US Veterans and their families through education, fellowship and building on tradition by providing recreational opportunities during their recovery and rehabilitation to promote healing and personal esteem.

These events give our veterans an opportunity to come together and share their experiences.

Iowa Veterans Outdoor Experience

Iowa veterans outdoor experience is a group of dedicated individuals that help our disabled veterans get back out and enjoy the great Iowa outdoors.

Mission statement: to provide opportunities for all veterans to enjoy Iowa’s great outdoors.

Purpose: to give assistance, camaraderie and support to our veterans and their families through various outdoor activities. Give our wounded veterans opportunities that may not normally be available. Provide education for local and national agencies that are available to veterans and their families

Injured Military Wildlife Project of North Dakota

The IMWPND is a group of North Dakota citizens who provide hunting and fishing opportunities to military personnel who have been injured in the line of duty.

The IMWPND provides injured service members and veterans a chance to continue hunting or fishing as they once did. The North Dakota Game and Fish Department provides 10 deer license to be used by our heroes. The IMWPND assist by providing lodging, a place to hunt, travel expenses and assistance before, during and after the hunt.


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