Backcountry Veterans

Empowering veterans through outdoor experiences, Backcountry Veterans is dedicated to fostering resilience, providing a positive outlet, and building a supportive community. We believe in uniting veterans through the great outdoors, forging bonds that echo beyond the hunt. By utilizing the healing power of nature, we aim to help veterans and their families overcome the challenges of PTSD and trauma, promoting mental well-being with the ultimate goal of reducing the veteran suicide rate.

Hunts for the Brave

To honor and acknowledge the service and sacrifices of the “Brave.” The “Brave” includes members of our Armed Forces who defend our freedom; Public Servants who have performed a heroic act; or youth fighting to overcome serious ailments. This will be accomplished by providing memorable outdoor recreational opportunities for the “Brave” as a way of rewarding their service or heroism and providing an opportunity to heal their mind and spirit in a beautiful outdoor setting.

Hunts for Healing

Hunts for Healing is a small non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to recreating the small squad experience for wounded veterans through mentored outdoor challenges. If you are a post 9-11 combat vet who was injured in the line of duty or who is struggling to adjust to life stateside, our goal is to help you find some healing in the great outdoors.

We host a variety of multi-day events year-round during which all of your needs are accommodated including home-cooked meals, supplies and sleeping quarters. Our events are limited to small groups and every participant is paired with a mentor.

While our mentors and volunteers come from all walks of life and backgrounds, many are vets themselves. Our hope is that through this experience we can aid in the physical, emotional and spiritual healing of wounded vets and help ease the transition back into daily life.

Hunting with Soldiers


Hunting with Soldiers Inc. is approved by IRS and GuideStar as a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit that provides hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities to Combat Veterans.

Hunting with Soldiers provides these opportunites to these brave individuals AT NO CHARGE TO THEM. It is our firm belief that these men and women of uniform have paid enough in blood, sweat and tears and sacrificed enough for our freedom. We do not require that they be an Injured Veteran we just require them to have been to combat to qualify for our Program.

Many injuries are not seen. Many Combat Veterans come back and suffer from PTSD. They are sent to Doctors to discuss their situations as well as given many medications. Due to the fact what they say is most often written down or recorded, many do not discuss everything. When these Men and Women are able to get back into the outdoors and sit around the camp fire, they are able to talk with like minded individuals and tell of their horrors. What they say is never repeated, thus allowing much of their nightmares to disappear with the smoke of the camp fire. We call this Outdoor Medication.

Hunting with Heroes Wyoming

At Hunting with Heroes Wyoming, it’s our mission to give back to our nations disabled veterans by honoring them with unique hunting, fishing and other outdoor experiences.

We offer a progressive healing environment where disabled veterans are welcome and supported – a community where they can discover hope again, no matter what battles they continue to fight physically or emotionally.

Hunting with Heroes was founded by veterans for veterans.

Hunting with Heroes

Hunting with Heroes is a non-profit organization that supports the recovery and healing of our Wounded Warriors from the Iraq and Afghanistan Conflicts as well as supports our local Veterans from all conflicts.

Hunting with a Hero

Hunting With A Hero knows that help and healing for service members with PTSD and their families doesn’t just stop in clinical therapy. Our goal is to open non-hospital care centers for service members and their families, free of charge, outside every US military installation, where the whole family can learn to better understand how PTSD affects them, and learn ways to cope together.

Hunt 4 Life Foundation

At Hunt 4 Life Foundation we know that at some point every person is searching for their true purpose in life. Why does God have us here? We believe the total answer to that question can be simply found in God’s two greatest commandments. First, to love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and the second, to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-39). We believe the more we focus on living out these two commandments, the more fulfilled and purposeful our lives will be. So, simply stated, at Hunt 4 Life Foundation, we believe we are all on a Hunt 4 Life! Come and join us on the hunt!


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