
Arkansas, Colorado and more
A spot for the Vets of VetsOutdoors to post and communicate with each other. This page is great for sharing events or anything that helps to get Vets outside. Make sure to follow the…
Arizona, Arkansas and more
As our primary Get Off The Couch program, SDIA offers Outdoor Adventures (OAs) to ENGAGE Sheep Dogs in physical activities that foster camaraderie, peer support and healing. For our sponsored Sheep Dogs (those injured…
Our services include camping, backpacking, hiking, and hunting, at no cost to the veteran or first responder. Because our goats can pack a large number of supplies, our project can facilitate the involvement of…
Alabama, Arkansas and more
AHERO connects Veterans through outdoor activities as a means to recover from their physical wounds and psychological trauma to reintegrate with American life. AHERO (America’s Heroes Enjoying Recreation Outdoors) connects Veterans with patriotic members…
Arkansas, California and more
Veteran Nonprofit Organization dedicated to helping fellow combat veterans find support, hope & healing in the battle of transitioning back into civilian life, through faith based programs. Donate today and help honor our military…
Alabama, Alaska and more
A Service for Our Military Service Members Offering our wounded veterans the opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy a hunting or fishing trip with all expenses paid, our group focuses on uniting fellow Wounded…
Arkansas, Online
NEA Wounded Warriors was created to help veterans who have been injured to enjoy the sport of hunting, as well as visit and share stories with others. Mission The NEA Wounded Warrior Group is…
Our mission for Freedom Defender Outdoors is to provide the best hunting and fishing trips to our current and fellow service members of the Armed forces. We are a group of current and past…

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