Veterans Hooked on Recreational Therapy

Our Mission is to bridge the gap between Health-Care & Self-Care. Assisting in achieving overall health and wellness. Empowering Montana’s Veteran population in reaching their optimal well-being in every element of wellness, through healing and sustainable growth using Montana’s great outdoors.

CJ3 Foundation

The CJ3 Foundation provides Wounded Heroes with a fully hosted, professionally guided outdoor hunting adventure. This experience provides Wounded Heroes the opportunity to harvest a wide variety of animals on quality properties for lifetime experiences. The outdoor activities aid in the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, as well as providing social interaction that allows the Wounded Heroes to transition back into their daily lives. The initiative enables our Wounded Heroes to return to the great outdoors and reexperience hope, optimism, and motivation through hunting experiences. Wounded Heroes find natural therapy from the wilderness and on the water. On our trips, our Wounded Heroes create memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

Zero Duck 30 Veterans Waterfowl Group (FB Only)

Our mission at ZERODUCK30 is to give Veterans a new outlook on what’s to come after you get that DD214 . We provide the opportunity to learn a new sport, get out in the field to hunt waterfowl, and feel that same sense of FAMILY the military gives us. Some of us that have been out can be used as a resource tool to help guide you in the right direction to receive medical help or give direction for schooling. Our main goal however, is to keep soldiers in touch and give them an outlet via a new sport that can be done alone or in a group setting.

X-22 ANF Outdoors

Help reduce the Suicide rate of Veterans and Public Safety Personal dealing with pain, PTSD and or Depression. That’s done through Social INTERACTIONS in the outdoors with other’s who have been in their shoes and can show them you can climb out of  the deepest darkest hole with just a little help.



Wounded War Heroes MS Deer Hunt

Started in 2016 we wanted to show wounded vets a little more. 10 vets from the WWH organization show up for an all inclusive 4 day hunt. This hunt brings comradery to the vets and volunteers to a new level. If interested in donating message us here.

Wisconsin Veterans Outdoors

I put this group together so we can share trips from nonprofit veteran outdoor organizations and to reach out to each other for last minute openings or assistance with outdoor activities. Please invite other other Wisconsin Veterans!

Winged Hunts for Heroes and Youth

Goose and Duck hunting in the greater Columbia Basin for fellow Veterans and Youth. I will be providing hunts in fields and over water for free. As a veteran I know the importance first hand of getting out and connecting with others as a outlet and networking tool. I also enjoy getting youth out because they are the next generation of waterfowlers.


Donation to The LinkUp

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