Military Veterans Outdoors
The mission at Military Veterans Outdoors (MVO) is to honor, empower and provide a private recreational getaway for current military and veterans.
The mission at Military Veterans Outdoors (MVO) is to honor, empower and provide a private recreational getaway for current military and veterans.
Our mission is to provide outdoor recreational activities for Disabled American Veterans, disabled individuals and disabled youth in Minnesota. Because of their disabilities, the individuals and groups that we help don’t have enough funds, volunteers or help to do these things. Often times these handicapped people, who are family, friends, and neighbors, do not have the opportunity to do many of the activities that others enjoy. Our goal is to help them to enjoy these actives that people who don’t have disabilities enjoy and to improve their quality of life, to help them feel they are not forgotten. Be it lack of funds or volunteers or the handicap accessible places to enjoy the outdoor recreation that others do.
M.A.D. Outdoors was created with the purpose of honoring combat-injured veterans with more than a “thank you” by offering these brave individuals a variety of activities in the great outdoors. Knowing that many injuries are not seen, efforts quickly expanded to provide shooting, hunting and fishing activities to all veterans, as well as individuals of all ages with physical challenges and special needs.
We’re Louisiana Hunters for Heroes.
We’re a nonprofit organization that assists our veterans by taking them on guided hunting & fishing trips and offering fellowship & assistance to those in need.
The mission of the Lone Star Warriors Outdoors is to help with PTSD Recovery and combat veteran suicide with our Nation’s combat Wounded and Injured Warriors who have sacrificed mind and body in the fight on terrorism by providing a fun and relaxing atmosphere while introducing or reconnecting and teaching the American tradition of hunting
Life & Liberty Outdoors provides hunting and fishing opportunities to children and young adults under the age of 25 with life threatening illnesses, and combat disabled veterans under the age of 40.
Licking River Outfitters, Inc. (LRO) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that specializes in sending wounded soldiers, disabled veterans, critically ill and disabled youth on the hunting adventure of their dreams! LRO outings give our youth and veterans something to look forward to and help sustain them in their time of need. They can forget about the world of hospitals, and high medical bills by participating in a real fair chase trophy hunting adventure. LRO is composed of a 100% volunteer staff comprised of veterans and civilians from all walks of life. By working cooperatively with hunt donors as well as generous individual and corporate sponsors, LRO makes a significant impact on the lives of thousands of children, disabled veterans, and their families. LRO’s primary purpose is to conserve and promote the use of our natural resources by providing opportunities for hunting, fishing, trapping, education, and habitat enhancement.
Let’s Go Fishing has developed its mission over time. Early on we felt that we best served our communities by focusing on the camaraderie of bringing older adults on fishing trips, sharing the fun of the catch. As our organization developed, we came to realize that by reaching out to older adults, veterans and the disabled, we not only were able to bring fun but simply by bringing people to nature we were contributing to their health and well being.
There has been much written about the beneficial effects that nature has on our mental and physical health and so we have seen it proven true time and time again. Therefore we made an important change to our mission statement, encompassing the factors of health and well-being in what we do.