Operation Once in a Lifetime (Hunting and Fishing)

Soldier Outdoor Initiative

The program that our Veterans, especially our Severely Combat Wounded Veterans, ask to participate in, is our SOLDIER OUTDOOR INITIATIVE PROGRAM which combines everything outdoors such as hunting, fishing, camping, hiking and more. We have taken thousands of our troops on once in a lifetime outdoor experiences that created truly memorable experiences that will last a lifetime. This program also helps bring together a sense of brotherhood that so many of our Veterans miss when they get out of the military because they get to enjoy these experiences with other Veterans.

Operation North State

Operation North State (ONS) founded in December 2010 is a 501 c3 non-profit (ALL VOLUNTEER) military support services organization which annually offers forty-eight (48) “unique” projects for North Carolina’s active military personnel, deployed troops and veterans – especially wounded warriors / DVet. Additionally, we host nearly two-hundred 200) one-on-one recreational outings (fishing and golf) for wounded warriors / DVets throughout the year. And, we host dozens of veterans from outside North Carolina as well.

Operation Never Forgotten

Operation Never Forgotten (ONF) is a national nonpartisan, 100% volunteer non-profit organization. Its mission is to remember, thank and help rebuild the lives of those Post-9/11 veterans and military families who have sacrificed so greatly to defend our freedoms. This is done through awareness campaigns, workshops for veterans with invisible wounds, outdoor retreats for veterans with physical and/or invisible wounds, and training for veteran mentors. All workshops and retreats are also for caregivers.

“Sports, Afield & Stream (S.A.S.)” outdoor retreats offer veterans once-in-a-lifetime recreational opportunities to include back country wilderness horseback adventures, big game hunts, fly fishing trips, cattle ranch vacations, ice climbing, llama treks, dog mushing, whitewater expeditions, rock climbing, ziplining and more.

Operation Injured Soldiers

Operation Injured Soldiers is a tax exempt, nonprofit organization founded in 2005. We provide recreational opportunities (free of charge) to wounded military veterans of all eras as a thank you for their service. The events we provide aid in the recovery from physical and emotional injuries sustained during conflict deployments.

We know that it is important to help our disabled heroes get back to doing sports and hobbies they enjoyed before being deployed. Our role is to provide events and places where disabled veterans from all wars can enjoy the camaraderie of others.

Operation Home Shores

Operation Home Shores, Inc. is a 100% volunteer organization. All proceeds from any fundraising efforts go 100% to helping veterans find healing.We specialize in kayak fishing adventures, hunting, and camping retreats for Military Veterans.Fishing is a release from the stress. We provide a service FOR VETERANS, BY VETERANS. It is important to raise awareness within our community of the benefits that recreational therapy can have on our Heroes. Helping those who have fought for our freedom by introducing a healthy lifestyle, an outlet for frustration, assistance with re-integration, and personally guided trips with fellow compassionate Veterans.

Operation Healing Heroes Foundation

Ben Olsen and I founded this organization – because we realized just how important our veterans are to the freedom of this country. We feel EVERYDAY is Veterans Day – and we need to recognize veterans – every chance we get!

My Grandfather, Father & Brother all served our country in the US Military. My “life path” didn’t allow for it, so I decided to “Give Back” to those individuals who provide our FREEDOM.

After the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, our country became more “unified” – than I had ever experienced. I’m sorry to say that in just 15-20 “short years later” – again, we as Americans – are divided.

Rather than to continue that divide, I’m making it my life mission to “give back” to the individuals who provided the “right” for us – to live in such a FREE country – that we could express our own opinions/beliefs.

I found it to be my mission – “to make tomorrow better than today” for the TRUE HEROES of our country – our Veterans. I helped co-found the nonprofit – Take a Vet Fishing, NFP in 2011. I wanted to serve veterans whenever I could and introduce them to the great outdoors. There was a study done back in 2003, that highlighted the PROFOUND EFFECTS that fishing specifically (and the outdoors in general) has on Post Traumatic Stress (PTS). So we started a movement to get Veterans on the water and into the outdoors.

Over the years, I have met so many of this country’s greatest war heroes, that I couldn’t let these stories go untold. In 2015, I started “Operation Fishing Freedom Foundation” (NOW – Operation Outdoor Freedom Foundation – Nonprofits) to preserve the stories of our US Military Veterans. In just 5 years, We’ve filmed and documented over 50+ Veterans stories. We are not only “preserving” a small piece of history, we are providing families with a “memory book” that can be handed down to future generations. Through 5 seasons on Discovery Channel, we’ve touched MILLIONS of viewers lives with these HEROIC stories. In addition, the show has become a RESOURCE for veterans to learn about alternative PTS treatments that the VA does not offer. To date, we’ve treated (and paid for) over 100+ Veterans to get relief from their PTS symptoms.

I believe we can never do enough to express our gratitude to our veterans, first responders and front-line workers. While our programs have certainly made a difference in many lives, there is MUCH MORE work to be done. I invite you to join me in the “Mission to Give Back” to our nations greatest Heroes. I encourage you to watch the amazing stories from Seasons 1-6 on our YouTube channel, and hear these stories – first-hand.

Ohio Veterans Outdoors

A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization, OVO provides outdoor experiences and education to veterans of the US armed forces. Mission: promote veteran health through outdoor experiences and education.

New England Adventures


New England Adventures mission is to invite veterans, current service members and their families into a community of other veterans and outdoor enthusiasts through the events and services we provide. We honor the service of all veterans and work to build a strong community of people committed to serving each other and working toward furthering a respect and enjoyment of the outdoors.

New England Adventures hosts all expenses paid outdoor sporting events, adventures, and therapeutic outdoor activities for New England veterans, current service members, and their families. Our mission is to give the gift of community back to veterans and their families by inviting them into our growing community stated above. We are a 501 (c) (3)non-profit organization.



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